Solid Waste Management Bye-Law of Kamarhati Municipality
End Date : 31/12/2030
According to the West Bengal Municipal Act of 1993, the mandate of the municipality in providing education is in the sphere of establishing and maintaining pre-primary schools such as crèches, promotion of civic education, adult education, social education and non-formal education, promotion of cultural activities, sports, theatre, music etc. advancement of science and technology and advancement of civic consciousness of public health.
The primary education improvement plan of the municipality will involve improving the delivery of educational services through improvement in physical infrastructure, school management as well as ensuring satisfactory quality of education in schools.
The purpose of preparation of the Primary Education Improvement Plan will be:To bring about institutional reforms in the delivery system of the Municipality so as improve operational efficiency in municipal schools. This will include management of school administration, maintenance of schools, providing basic services to the schools, providing adequate teaching aids, books and teachers to schools, inspection of schools, and management of Government schemes and programmes such as SSA, SSK centre, adult education, mid day meal schemes etc.
To improve the performance of the schools and its students with respect to the number of children enrolled, number of dropouts, number of children retained and number of children moving onto Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools etc.
To provide a linkage to the overall state system of delivery of education. ULB has a vital role play particularly in ensuring quality of primary education and preparing students adequately for Secondary and Higher Secondary level of education.
To provide a thrust to community ownership and monitoring of schools whereby community groups and parents of the children are entrusted with ensuring accountability and improved performance of schools.
To make efforts to explore areas of public-private partnership in operations, maintenance and management of primary schools.
To arrive at a shelf of projects this can be financed through its own resources, Governments funds, KUSP funds or in partnership with NGOs.
The Primary Education Improvement Plan will therefore cover the following themes
Primary survey of the existing pre primary and primary municipal schools: The survey has been conducted in different schools to get the actual scenario of the existing schools.
From the output of survey it has been observed: