Introduction to Draft Development Plan (DDP) 

The 21st century is a total age of urbanization. Considering the fact each and every part of the world started the preparation of Development plan.

The Kolkata Urban Services for the Poor programme aided by department for international development, government of United Kingdom would provide assistance to the municipalities in KMA to prepare DDP through Technical and Financial support. CMU was established to oversee the initial stages of the programme and appointed Urban Planner to this municipality. The DDP will focus more on the process of preparation of the plans that address short to medium term problems. In addition the emphasis should be on identifying and prioritizing issues in a participatory manner, rather than only rely on detailed technical analysis.

The planning is to be done in the perspective of 25 years especially for developing country like India. The number of municipality in west Bengal is ever increasing so as the number of cities. The people from village rushing towards the cities and the pressure are on the municipalities. Taking the case of Kamarhati which was having only 50 thousand populations in the year 1950 and more than 3.5 lakh in the year 2001.the municipalities are the local self government responsible for development of roads, water supply system, street light better transportation system, better social environment.

Executive Summary

It is a reality that Department for International Development (DFID) has taken up a programme namely Kolkata Urban Services for the Poor (KUSP) and providing all the technical and financial support to Kamarhati Municipality. This programme has been initiated by the Government of West Bengal in all the thirty eight municipalities and the two municipal corporations in the Kolkata Metropolitan Region (KMA).It is a immense pleasure and honor for Kamarhati Municipality to be a part of this KUSP programme. This programme has certain objectives to be filled up, and in order to do the same the organization namely Change Management Unit (CMU) has been setup to monitor and guide the municipalities throughout the process. A major part of the programme is the preparation of the Draft Development Plan for the municipal areas. The major requirement for the preparation of the above mentioned Draft Development Plan is the fact that the preparation should imbibe in it the participatory approach forms all the sections of the society and all the stakeholders of the municipal activities .A special emphasis is also laid in the planning for the slums of the municipal area. The plan is being prepared totally from the grassroots level and through a participatory planning approach.

With this we also hope that the municipal organization can come up as a strong and self-dependent third tier government, which will be for the people of the people and by the people.

The development plan for Kamarhati municipal area is stressed upon the fact for providing physical infrastructure facilities, healthy environment for the Citizen to live in. the development plan is done as per the development pattern, character of the local economy, institutional capacity of the ULB.

Overall Municipal Vision

The VISION is to provide a good Healthy Environment to all section of people with a special emphasis on poorer section, with the quality of services by utilizing the resources efficiently. To open up the avenues of economic services for the people under the poverty level. To develop infrastructure along with Health; Education and Culture with extensive participation of citizen as a whole.


Opening balance sheet prepared for 2003-04 and Double entry system of Accounting Software Purohishab had been implemented from 2006-07.

Projects completed under KUSP

Approval of DDP :

13th March 2007

Successfully completed :

ADP 2007-2008 (SLUM – 3)

ADP 2008-2009 (SLUM – 1)

Present Status of : SLUM – 4 Completed.
ADP 2010 – 2011 :

Drain  – All completed, No. of Projects – 7

Road  – All completed, No. of Projects – 29

Street Light– All completed, No. of Projects – 49

Water Supply : All completed (construction or water line), No. of Projects – 25.
Land use :

Construction of Ward Office 5 with the fund from Capacity Building

Construction and repair, renovation of Seva Kendra (3) under LED Fund.

Component – II : 9 nos. of training accepted by the Municipality under Wage Employment Programme. 3 nos. of training like Hardware Networking by Brainware, Security Guard by IIIM and Computer Accounts System by ICA completed. All training completed. Readymade Garment training and Papad making and its production already started.
Capacity Building : SOP training completed



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